You Mean More To Him – Rhapsody Of Realities TeeVo Devotional October 13th



(He Loves You More Than You’ll Ever Know)

TO THE BIBLE: John 17:23 NIV
“I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.”

One day, a minister of the Gospel came to me and said he was considering quitting the ministry because life had been difficult for him.

I asked him why he went into the ministry in the first place. He said he loved God and wanted to tell everybody about Jesus.

Then I said, “It’s wonderful that you love God more than He loves you.” He thought about it and said, “No, that’s not what I said.” Then I said, “But that’s what you mean.”

Of course, when I was done sharing with him from the Scriptures, things became clearer for him, and today, he’s a fabulous minister, doing amazing things for the Lord. But he almost gave up.

There are many in similar situations today. Some are even angry with God because they think, in spite of their prayers, God has refused to “do something” about their situation.

But it’s not so; they’re not walking in His Word. Perhaps they need more knowledge, new knowledge that will create new opportunities. Perhaps, also, they’re not putting their faith to work.

Here’s what’s absolutely certain: God loves you more than you love yourself. He’s more passionate about your success in life and ministry than you could ever be. He loves you infinitely and unconditionally, but you have to live in and by His Word.

When you understand His Word and His love for you, it will change your life and give you an extraordinary mentality.

In the Father’s eyes, you’re as precious as Jesus is. He thought you were valuable enough to send Jesus to die in your place.

Imagine you bought a phone for $2,000; that immediately shows the value of the phone to you. In the same way, if Jesus Christ was given for you, it means you’re worth Jesus Christ.

I’ve often said that even if you were the only person on earth, Jesus would still have come to die for you. He didn’t come because we were many.

Therefore, appreciate your value. You mean more to Him than you could ever imagine. Think, talk, walk, and live as someone special, for indeed you are. Hallelujah!

Go Deeper
John 3:16; 1 Peter 2:9 AMPC; Romans 5:7-8

God loves me personally. I am His peculiar treasure; my value to Him is equal to the value of Jesus. I think, talk, walk, and live as someone special, for indeed, I am. God reigns, establishes, and spreads His love and righteousness on earth today through me, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading
1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:1-13, Isaiah 57-58
Hebrews 6:1-10, Ezekiel 7

Go out today and share this message of love with someone else; don’t keep it to yourself.

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