The “Take Over” Mentality – Rhapsody Of Realities TeeVo Devotional May 29th

(Think Like The Apostles Did In Bible Days)

“When the apostles back in Jerusalem heard that the people of Samaria had accepted God’s message, they sent down Peter and John.”

In Acts 8:14, the apostles in Jerusalem received news that Samaria had embraced the Word of God. Promptly, they sent Peter and John to minister to them.

These apostles possessed a remarkable mindset that we should emulate. To them, Samaria belonged to them because the Word of God had taken root there.

Understand that not everyone in Samaria had become a Christian, but the seed of the Word had been sown, and the spiritual ground had received it. Consequently, the apostles considered Samaria taken over by the Gospel.

When Peter and John arrived in Samaria, the first thing they did was similar to what Paul did after he journeyed to Ephesus in Acts 19: they ministered to the people to receive the Holy Spirit (read Acts 8:14-17).

We are to have the same mentality with the apostles. Their conviction stemmed from the words of Jesus, who likened the Kingdom of Heaven to a mustard seed that grows into a towering plant, surpassing all others. The growth is unstoppable (Luke 13:18-19).

Once the Word of God was planted in a place, be it a city, town, community, country, or nation, the apostles knew they had taken over the place; they knew what to do with the Word in such places.

We need to seize cities and communities with the Gospel. Think like the apostles; adopt their mindset. Think like Paul, who, when he arrived at Ephesus, knew he was conquering not only that place but the regions beyond.

Go Deeper
Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15

Dear Father, I am grateful for the privilege and responsibility of sharing Your Gospel with those around me and even in far-off places. The radiant light of Your Gospel that I carry illuminates the darkness in the hearts of those who haven’t yet believed, breaking the chains of wickedness and anchoring them in Your righteousness. Truly, Your Word reigns supreme in my city and beyond, in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading
John 14:15-31, 1 Chronicles 1-2
Mark 14:1-11, Numbers 32

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