Keep Bearing Fruits – Rhapsody Of Realities TeeVo Devotional January 31st
(Effectiveness Through the Holy Spirit) TO THE BIBLE: John 15: 16 CEVYou did not choose me. I chose you and.
(Effectiveness Through the Holy Spirit) TO THE BIBLE: John 15: 16 CEVYou did not choose me. I chose you and.
(Fulfilling Your God-Given Purpose) TO THE BIBLE: Romans 10:17 “For every time you eat this bread and drink this cup.
(The Effective Name) TO THE BIBLE Mark: 16:17-18 TLB“And those who believe shall use my authority to cast out demons,.
(The Inheritance of Believers in Christ) TO THE BIBLE: Matthew 13:44 TLB“The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure a.
(Living as a God-carrying Vessel) TO THE BIBLE: Colossians 2:9 AMPCFor in Him the whole fullness of Deity (the Godhead).