Reachout World TeeVolution

Reachout World TeeVolution

ReachOut World TeeVolution

In our world of over 1.2 billion teenagers/adolescents, research shows that more than half of all these adolescents live in Asia. In absolute numbers, South Asia is home to more teens – nearly 350 million – than any other region and East Asia and the Pacific with about 329 million follow this.

The teen population of South and East Asia dwarfs that of any other region in the world, while teens in the Sub-Saharan African region make up the greatest proportion accounting for 23% of the region’s population.

One key material that the Lord has prepared to reach and impact the lives of our teenagers is the Rhapsody Of Realities TeeVo Devotional and The Rhapsody Of Realities TeeVo Bible

These materials are designed to inspire, encourage and strengthen every teenager by providing them with answers from the perspective of God’s Word to questions of critical concern, thereby helping them discover their true purpose whilst programming them for a life of outstanding success.

The Reach Out World TeeVolution Campaign is permeating nations, cities, towns, streets, and schools impacting the lives of teenagers as we prepare them for the rapture of the church through sponsoring the monthly free distribution of the TeeVo Devotional to every teenager as well as is ensuring that every single teenager on the face of this earth also owns as well as have access to the TeeVo Bible.

Seed Daily!!!

ReachOut World Engagement:

Teevolution Upsurge 2.0

The TeeVolution Upsurge 2.0 embodies a detailed and multifaceted five-pronged strategy specifically designed to ensure the successful execution of the Reach Out World Teevolution initiative within the allocated 50-day extension period.

These strategies are:

Who is a TeeVo Hero Or A TeeVo Superhero?

A TeeVo Hero is a teenager who has sponsored the free distribution of 100 to 999 copies of Rhapsody Of Realities TeeVo, and a TeeVo Super Hero is a teenager who has sponsored the free distribution of 1000 to 9,999 copies of TeeVo to impact teenagers in our World

By enlisting teenagers as TeeVo Heroes and Superheroes, we empower them to become passionate TeeVolution Partners and the Lord’s ambassadors for change.

Organize and execute Teevo Reading Parties on the school assembly grounds, recreational centres, sports clubs, juvenile homes, and wherever teenagers are, thereby creating a vibrant and engaging atmosphere where these students can learn, share and be blessed by God’s Word in the TeeVo.


To effectively reach and positively impact the teens in your community, you should establish Teevo Cells and TeeVo Clubs in both local schools and community centres. The goal of these TeeVo clubs and cells is to create a welcoming and engaging atmosphere where these young people can gather to explore and delve into God’s word, as contained in the TeeVo Devotional

Key content of these TeeVo Club or Cell meetings includes: studying the TeeVo articles together, Prayer, Worship and testimony sharing. These TeeVo Clubs and cells foster a nurturing environment that encourages these teenagers to grow spiritually, inspiring them to live out their faith and positively impact their communities.

Hosting small, medium or mega capacity Teevolution ‘Perfect & Entire Teen (PET) Conferences to intentionally educate, empower and equip teens globally with teevo, showing them what and how to be perfect and complete in life, to stand against all vices that plague teens, and to build a godly character solid

future anchored on the truths of God’s word, whilst helping a fellow teenager do the same everywhere they go; ultimately preparing them for the rapture


Engage teenage stakeholders for TeeVo Language adoption, Sponsorship and complete penetration of schools teen learning centres, coaching centres etc in the identified area

Other information to note as you execute Your TeeVolution Upsurge 2.0 is:

Also as you execute these initiatives outlined in our Teevolution Upsurge 2.0, aimed at finalizing your sponsorship, engagement, enlistment, and distribution in the Reach Out World 50 Days Extension To Completion season, other key things to note are

Send us updates and reports regarding your progress at our Kingschat Superuser handle @rhapsodyteevo and via email to: We are eager to receive your success reports through photographs, videos, and testimonies.

Document and share your outreach activities in educational institutions, including Teevo reading parties during assembly sessions, your Teevo clubs or cells, and your remarkable Teevolution P.E.T. conferences.

Additionally, recordings of Teevo readings broadcasted on television and radio stations in your area.

A comprehensive catalogue of our global Teevolution initiatives, including outreach, distribution, the impact on teenagers who have come to Christ, adopted schools, sponsored Teevo languages, and various testimonies are being complied and guess what, will be celebrated at the forthcoming Road to ROW Teevolution Edition. So ensure you send in videos and pictures of your distribution and impact in your catchment

Finally, we are also enlisting at least 10 million TeeVo heroes and superheroes that will sponsor and distribute a cumulative total of a billion copies of Teevo for the Reach Out World Teevolution.

Additionally, there will be acknowledgement and celebration of all champions from the Teevo Superhero Challenge during this remarkable season of the Reach Out World TeeVolution. So ensure you take the TeeVo Super Hero Challenge

Execute the Teevolution Upsurge 2.0 Initiative in your catchment today. Complete your TeeVo sponsorship and distribution to every teenager in your catchment during this season of the Reach Out World 50 Days of Extension and Completion.

Together, let’s empower our teenagers to become who the Lord has called them to be as we prepare them for the rapture of the Church.

The Reach Out World TeeVolution Campaign continues to spread across nations, cities, towns, streets, and schools, making a positive impact on the lives of teenagers around the world. 

The campaign aims to prepare the over 1.2 billion teenagers in our world for the rapture of the church and imminent return of The Lord Jesus by sponsoring the free distribution of the Rhapsody Of Realities TeeVo Devotional to all teenagers globally. 

This year, as part of the Reach Out World TeeVolution execution strategy as well as to ensure the campaign’s global impact continues we have introduced the TeeVolution One Billion Mandate.

This initiative involves the free distribution of the Rhapsody Of Realities TeeVo to impact one billion teenagers in secondary/high schools, informal educational centers, holiday lessons, leisure parks, sport centers, and anywhere else teenagers can be found globally and will run from now till August 2024.

So join us lets impact the lives of one billion teenagers through the TeeVolution One Billion Mandate.