Nothing “Sickable” In You – Rhapsody Of Realities TeeVo Devotional May 4th

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(You Have A Life Superior To Sickness)

TO THE BIBLE: Isaiah 33:24 MSG
‘No one in Zion will say, “I’m sick.” Best of all, they’ll all live guilt-free.’

“Do you know you can live above sickness every day of your life?” Christabel asked Shannon.
“How can you say such a thing? Everyone gets sick every once in a while,” replied Shannon.
“Well, the Bible makes it clear that when you’re born again, you receive the divine life and nature of God into you, which makes you impregnable to sickness. There’s nothing ‘sickable’ in the Christian!” Christabel remarked.

Just like Shannon, there’re those who strongly believe that sickness is for everybody, but it’s not true. God doesn’t get any glory out of us being sick.

We belong in His Kingdom, and the Scripture shows us that divine health is one of our Kingdom rights; it’s one of the blessings we have in Christ.

Read again the inspiring description of Zion by Isaiah in our opening verse! He calls it a beautiful place where the inhabitants have no reason to say, “I am sick,” because there’s no sickness in Zion! Hallelujah!

Being born again means you’re an inhabitant of this glorious land of health and abundance.

In Colossians 1:13, it’s called the Kingdom of God’s dear Son. You’ve been translated into that Kingdom, and all the blessings of the Kingdom are yours. So, become Kingdom conscious; live in the blessings of the Kingdom of God, in health and in strength.

If sickness tries to attack your body, remember that you’re in the Kingdom of God, where His will is operational and in force.

Take charge and rule over your body with the Word of God. Refuse to yield your body to sickness, disease, or infirmity!

God gave you a life that’s superior to sickness, and now you can serve and live for Him. You can manifest His glory and His grace and impact your world with the message of Christ’s salvation. Hallelujah!

Go Deeper
Hebrews 12:22; Mark 11:23; Mark 16:17-18

I am in the Kingdom of God, where I reign over sickness, disease, and infirmity. I walk in the fullness of the blessings of the Gospel, basking in divine prosperity, beauty, and honour. Through my faith-filled confessions, I enforce the will of God concerning my health today and always. Glory to God!

Daily Bible Reading
John 1:19-51, 2 Samuel 18-19
Mark 7:24-37, Numbers 7

Speak life and health to your body even now.

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