Join The Work – Rhapsody Of Realities TeeVo Devotional March 22nd



(Be Inspired By The Endtime Harvest)

“…The harvest is huge. But there are not enough harvesters to bring it in. As you go, plead with the Owner of the Harvest to send out many more workers into his harvest fields.”

God gave us the most incredible and sublime job ever—preaching the Gospel to every creature.

He could have used the angels to minister or preach the Gospel for the salvation of men, but He didn’t. He chose us for it instead.

Exciting, right? You’ve been entrusted with the most important news and message in all the world for every generation: the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which He said shall be “…preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14). Hallelujah!

The Lord also said, “…Look around you! Vast fields of human souls are ripening all around us, and are ready now for reaping” (John 4:35 TLB).

There’s already been such a great harvest of souls into the Kingdom in these last days. The Lord is doing a quick work, and it’s happening fast!

Guess what? We’re seeing an even bigger move of the Holy Spirit, leading to a massive harvest of souls in places like China, the Middle East, and other regions that many had thought would be difficult to penetrate. These vast fields of souls are ready, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ is reaching them big time.

So, get involved and join in the work; get so inspired by what God’s doing today and preach the Gospel anywhere and everywhere. Let the light of Christ shine through you continually.

Lead people to Christ. His message that we bear is filled with divine power to save and transform men’s lives.

Therefore, preach and declare it with all intensity. Challenge, warn, and urge those around you who haven’t received Christ to do so.

Go Deeper
Revelation 14:15; Acts 8:4-6; 1 Corinthians 9:16-18

The glorious Gospel of the blessed God has been committed to my trust, and I utilise every opportunity to win souls and bring sinners to Christ. I make every moment count, maximising the time as God’s ordained agent of salvation, to turn sinners from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God! Amen.

Daily Bible Reading
Luke 4:14-44, Deuteronomy 22-24
Matthew 24:45-51, Exodus 31

Today, go out into your world and win souls for the Lord; do so with zest and glee!

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