Rhapsody Of Realities TeeVo Devotional December 22nd – Do A Routine Check
(Examine Your Faith: What Do You Really Believe?) TO THE BIBLE: Acts 4:12 AMPC“And there is salvation in and through.
(Examine Your Faith: What Do You Really Believe?) TO THE BIBLE: Acts 4:12 AMPC“And there is salvation in and through.
(Recognise Your Kingship And Exercise Authority) TO THE BIBLE: Revelation 1:5-6“…Jesus Christ…has made us kings and priests to His God.
(Are You Prepared For Eternity?) TO THE BIBLE: Mark 8:36 AMPC “For what does it profit a man to gain.
(Make His Grace And Power In You Operative) TO THE BIBLE: Ephesians 3:20“Now to Him who is able to do.
(Live Above The Condemnation In The World) TO THE BIBLE: John 3:31 NIV“He who comes from above is above all;.