Rhapsody Of Realities TeeVo Devotional January 31st – Eat The Word Voraciously
(Study God’s Word Till It Gets Into Your Spirit, Soul And Body) TO THE BIBLE: Acts 20:32 NASB“And now I.
(Study God’s Word Till It Gets Into Your Spirit, Soul And Body) TO THE BIBLE: Acts 20:32 NASB“And now I.
(Proclaim The Word To Everything Around You) TO THE BIBLE: Mark 16:15“And He said to them, “Go into all the.
(Walk In And Hold The Consciousness Of Eternal Life) TO THE BIBLE: 1 Timothy 6:12“Fight the good fight of faith,.
(Jesus Christ, The Son Of God, Is God In Human Flesh) TO THE BIBLE: Romans 8:14“For as many as are.
(God’s Prosperity Is Yours To Enjoy) TO THE BIBLE: 2 Corinthians 8:9 TLB“You know how full of love and kindness.
(Exercise Yourself In Godly Character) TO THE BIBLE: 1 Timothy 4:7 NIV“Have nothing to do with godless myths and old.
(Get Your Thoughts Directly From God’s Word) TO THE BIBLE: Romans 12:2 NASB“…Do not be conformed to this world, but.
(You’re In The Same Class As Jesus) TO THE BIBLE: Mark 4:38-39,41 NIV“Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a.
(Unveil The Christ-Life From Within You) TO THE BIBLE: Colossians 1:27 MSG“…The mystery in a nutshell is just this: Christ.