Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo Devotional 25th July – He Powers You Up

(The Holy Spirit Helps You Do The Impossible) TO THE BIBLE: Acts 1:8“But you shall receive power when the Holy.

Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo Devotional 24th July – It’s 24/7 Love

(God’s Love Is A Constant Reality!) TO THE BIBLE: 1 John 3:1 NIV“How great is the love the Father has.

Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo Devotional 23rd July – Use The Sound Codes

(Words Have Creative Energy And Potency) TO THE BIBLE: Proverbs 18:21 GNB“What you say can preserve life or destroy it….”.

Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo Devotional 22nd July – Go For More

(Grow And Advance Spiritually) TO THE BIBLE: Ephesians 4:14-15 CEV“We must stop acting like children. We must not let deceitful.

Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo Devotional 21st July – The Greatest Team Ever

(The Church Is Stronger Today Than Ever Before!) TO THE BIBLE: Matthew 21:44“And whoever falls on this stone will be.

Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo Devotional 20th July – Beyond The Brain

(Activate Faith From Your Spirit) TO THE BIBLE: Luke 8:48“And He said to her, “Daughter, be of good cheer; your.

Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo Devotional 19th July – Throw Them Out!

(Use Your Authority In Jesus To Discomfit Devils) TO THE BIBLE: Mark 16:17 MSG“These are some of the signs that.

Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo Devotional 18th July – Success Is No Accident

(You’ve Got The Success Genes In You, So Make It Happen!) TO THE BIBLE: Psalm 1:3 CEV“They are like trees.

Rhapsody of Realities TeeVo Devotional 17th July – Don’t Cause A Short-Circuit

(Fear And Worry Short-circuit The Power Of God) TO THE BIBLE: Philippians 4:6“Do not be anxious about anything, but in.