“He Sent His Word” – Rhapsody Of Realities TeeVo Devotional June 21st

(The Word Of God Has Power)

TO THE BIBLE: Psalm 107:20
“He sent His word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.”

The scripture above brings to mind an amazing testimony of a young guy who had a ghastly accident, resulting in a gruesome leg injury.

The doctors said he’d never walk again, and if he did, it would take some years for that to happen.

This young lad took Rhapsody of Realities and began to meditate on the Word. He studied it voraciously and took the confessions seriously, reflecting on the healing power of God’s Word over his leg.

Soon enough, he began to see changes. Eventually, his leg was completely restored, and he was able to walk again. Praise God!

Always remember that we were made or created by the Word. We’re products or offspring of the Word. Before God formed man from the dust of the ground, He already created him with His Word.

He only formed, from the dust, the man He had created in the spirit with His Word. That Word is where life comes from; that Word brought creation into being!

Therefore, when you want to change anything, use the Word! Proclaim the Word. The Word of God is a force; it’s a “thing.”

In fact, one of the translations of the word “Rhema” is “THING”; the Word is a thing; it’s a spiritual substance.

That’s why, when you proclaim it, it goes out into the spirit realm and has the capacity to produce exactly what it talks about.

So, when you’re talking the Word, don’t think you’re just making statements; no! The Word has energy: potent and creative power.

As you affirm the Word, the message that it carries is the power that it transports. Glory to God!

Go Deeper
Luke 1:37 NIV; Isaiah 55:10-11; Hebrews 4:12

I speak forth the Word, being fully conscious that the message that it carries is the power it transports. I declare that I’m walking in divine health, increased prosperity, and I’m making progress with giant strides. My life is for the glory of God. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading
Acts 9:32-43, Ezra 1-3
Luke 2:41-52, Deuteronomy 19

Take some time to declare words of power concerning your day and everything that concerns you.

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