Shine Ever So Brightly – Rhapsody Of Realities TeeVo Devotional June 11th

(God’s Word Makes You Luminous)

TO THE BIBLE: Psalm 119:130
“The entrance of Your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.”

I’ll like you to observe what the entrance of God’s words brings: “light.” The Hebrew word translated “light” in the opening verse is “ôr,” and it means to make luminous or lambent; to shine; to be glorious; to kindle; or to set on fire. It also alludes to coming from the dark nights and breaking into a new day.

Therefore, what this verse is saying is that the entrance of God’s Word into your heart will make you luminous or shine; your life will be like the dawning of the morning and glorious. Hallelujah!

Observe that I didn’t say the entrance of the Word would illuminate you but that it’d make you luminous. Even though these two words are often used in related contexts, they have distinct meanings and connotations.

To illuminate something means to shine light on it and to make it brighter and more visible. That’s different from being luminous, which means emitting light to be radiant, shiny, glowing, or effulgent.

When something is described as luminous, it means it has the quality of producing or reflecting light. The entrance of the Word makes you glow; you become a burning and shining light—you produce from within you such brightness, radiance, and brilliance of the Spirit!

It brings to mind the Lord’s testimony of John the Baptist, whom He described in John 5:35 as a burning and a shining light: “He was the burning and shining lamp, and you were willing for a time to rejoice in his light.” Let the Word get into you; feed on the Word; it’ll shine through you.

Go Deeper
Psalm 119:105; John 8:12; John 12:46 AMPC

Dear Father, your Word is the true light that lights my heart. Through diligent study and constant meditation on the Word, my heart is flooded with light and I shine forth with such intensity, glowing ever so brightly, radiating your goodness and exhibiting your kindness and graciousness to my world, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading
Acts 2:22-47, 2 Chronicles 8-11
Luke 1:1-10, Deuteronomy 9

Study and meditate on the opening scripture (Psalm 119:130).

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