No More Condemnation – Rhapsody Of Realities TeeVo Devotional February 4th



(Jesus Was Judged In Your Place)

TO THE BIBLE: Romans 8:1 ESV
“There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”

“No one has the right to judge me; only God has that privilege,” exclaimed Philicia, deeply saddened by the condemning comments on her vlog about her newfound love for Jesus.

The phrase “only God has that privilege” stood out to her friend Jessie, who responded, “Philicia, God isn’t going to judge you; your judgement was passed on Christ when He was crucified in your place. Now that you’re born again, there’s no more judgement for you!”

The word translated “condemnation” in the verse above also means judgement. Judgement is part and parcel of God’s programme, even though some people don’t think so.

The Bible clearly reveals two main judgements for man. The first one took place when the Lord Jesus was judged for the sins of mankind on the Cross.

The second will take place on Judgement Day, before the Great White Throne, and most are more familiar with this one.

According to Romans 8:1, no one has to face this second judgement. He can obtain God’s righteousness by accepting the truth that Jesus was judged for him on the Cross of Calvary.

Jesus became the sacrifice for our sin, paid the penalty with His death, and was buried. Thank God He didn’t remain in the grave; He resurrected on the third day!

Today, anyone who believes in Him is justified from every sin—severed from judgement. Hallelujah! What He accomplished for us is much more than the remission of sins. He ushered us into a new life; we now have a new nature. Hallelujah!

This is the Gospel: “For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ” (Romans 5:17).

Now, everyone can boldly come before the throne of grace to obtain mercy (Hebrews 4:16). But someday, not too far away, that throne of grace will become the throne of judgement for those who rejected salvation in Christ Jesus.

That’s why He sent us to tell the world that the price has been paid for their salvation, and Jesus was judged on their behalf. Glory to God!

Go Deeper
Romans 3:23-26; John 3:16-17; Romans 4:23-25

Righteous Father, what joy it is to know that Jesus became the sacrifice for the sins of the world and paid the penalty by His death, in full! Now, I have obtained your righteousness by accepting that Jesus was judged for me on the cross. I’m far removed from the destruction or judgement that works in this present world of darkness because I belong to and live in the Kingdom of God’s dear Son. Amen.

Daily Bible Reading
Matthew 24:36-51, Exodus 28
Matthew 12:22-30, Genesis 35

Take some time to reach others around you with this saving Gospel of Jesus Christ today.

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